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Public Statement from the AI Alliance on the Possible Veto of SB 1047

The AI Alliance

California has long been a leader in artificial intelligence (AI), driven by openness,
innovation, and competition. As members of the AI Alliance, we are committed to
advancing AI in ways that ensure safety and promote economic growth.

In May 2024, we publicly raised concerns about SB 1047, and those concerns remain.
Among them are the undue burdens the bill places on open-source AI development,
which would chill innovation, limit startups' access to advanced models, and increase
reliance on proprietary systems. Additionally, SB 1047 risks stifling broader progress in
AI, undermining the competitiveness and creativity that fuel California’s leadership.

While we support thoughtful AI regulation, SB 1047 does not strike the right balance. A
veto would allow for a more balanced approach that safeguards innovation while
addressing safety.

We, members of the AI Alliance, share these concerns and support policies that protect
open innovation and maintain California’s leadership in AI.

The AI Alliance

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