Guide to Essential Competencies for AI

Guide to Essential Competencies for AI
Across the globe, two-thirds of people believe that their lives will be impacted by AI in the near future.* Workers are increasingly aware that they will need new skills, but they lack guidance on which skills to acquire and how to get them. Meanwhile, employers are facing new gaps in skills to implement and manage AI, and education providers may struggle to keep pace with these changes.
This Guide to Essential Competencies for AI was developed through cross-industry collaboration by the AI Alliance with support from IBM and Meta in collaboration with the Aspen Institute, and is designed for a wide range of stakeholders as AI shapes roles across industries and demands new education and training for tomorrow’s workforce. These stakeholders include local leaders and community-based organizations, education and training providers, organizations that will be impacted by advancements in AI, and managers and facilitators.
Inside the guide, you will find essential competencies defined to help bridge the AI divide, which support a framework for education and training curricula and can help promote inclusive access to AI education. These competencies include the responsible and ethical use of AI, identifying data limitations, data analysis, machine learning, and AI logic, and range in levels from fluency to proficiency to expertise, and finally, mastery.
* 2024 AI Index Report, Stanford University